Are you ready to stop people-pleasing, master the art of self-advocacy, and learn how to:

⚡️ Set empowered boundaries in your relationships with family, friends, partners, and colleagues?

⚡️ Discover and advocate for your own needs and desires?

⚡️ Develop emotional boundaries that help you stop taking responsibility for others’ feelings?

⚡️ Learn the art of internal validation so you can stop depending on others’ approval?

⚡️ Navigate conflicts and compromises in your relationships without sacrificing your non-negotiable needs?

⚡️ Strengthen your resilience to guilt and fear so you can speak up for yourself with confidence?

⚡️ Take decisive action steps toward your own desires and dreams?

If so, you’re in the right place. Welcome to The Self-Advocacy School—where we believe taking good care of yourself is something nobody should have to apologize for.

The Self-Advocacy School

The Self-Advocacy School

The Self-ADVOCACY School membership includes:

The UNAPOLOGETIC™ Curriculum: Hailey’s flagship curriculum of 22 video courses—complete with homework assignments and journaling prompts⁠—that guide you through the process of rediscovering your voice, mastering the art of self-advocacy, and building a life you love.

Monthly Live Events: Learn new skills and jumpstart your motivation in our members-only live events. Hands-on workshops, inspirational talks, and thought-provoking Q&As are held live and recorded so you can re-watch anytime.

The Self-Advocacy School Community: A vibrant virtual hub where you can get support for your challenges, celebrate your victories, and build connections with fellow Self-Advocacy School members who are on the journey with you⁠—and really get it.

The Vault: A goldmine of over 100 curated reading recommendations, podcast episodes, educational articles, infographics, and other bonus material to support you as you master the art of self-advocacy.


22 hands-on video courses teach you how to advocate for yourself with confidence and conviction.

The UNAPOLOGETIC Curriculum teaches you how to rediscover your own wants, needs, and dreams; confidently speak up for yourself and set boundaries in your relationships; bravely move through guilt and fear to find strength, conviction, and courage; and build a vibrant, joy-filled life on your own terms.

Have a busy schedule? No problem. The UNAPOLOGETIC Curriculum is designed so that you can take the courses at your own pace, on your own time. The 22 courses range from 25 to 60 minutes in length, and you can re-watch them as many times as you’d like.

Every single one of the 22 courses includes:

⚡️ Inspired coaching exercises that build your courage and motivation

⚡️ Action steps to put the course skills into practice in your daily life today

⚡️ 3 journaling prompts to help you integrate the session further

⚡️ Bonus resources from The Vault


Module I: Coming Home to Yourself

After a lifetime of prioritizing others, it's normal to become disconnected from yourself. Before you can stand up for your needs, you must know what you need; before you can speak your truth, you must know what you feel. That's why Module I helps you reconnect with you so you can confidently self-advocate with others. Courses include:

⚡️ People-Pleasing: An Introduction
⚡️ Finding Your Feelings
⚡️ Prioritizing Self-Care
⚡️ Connecting With Your Values
⚡️ Owning Your Desires

Module II: Building Courage & Inspiration

Now that you've established a connection with yourself through Module I, Module II inspires you to become your best self: a self that is balanced, assertive, living your values, and en route to the future you most desire. This module is a playful and creative series designed to get you in the spirit of being truly UNAPOLOGETIC. Courses include:

⚡️ Summoning Your Anti-People-Pleaser
⚡️ Creating Balance in Life & in Self
⚡️ Getting Inspired with Vision

Module III: Standing Up For Yourself

Module III is your comprehensive road map to self-advocacy. Step-by- step, you'll learn how to identify and advocate for your needs; make requests; set and enforce boundaries; and have hard but important conversations in your relationships. This module will teach you how to stand up for yourself with confidence in family, friendships, love, and work. Courses include:

⚡️ Self Advocacy 101: Requests, Boundaries, & the Self-Advocacy Roadmap
⚡️ The Self-Advocacy Toolbox: Finding Your Boundaries in Difficult Relationships with Friends & Family
⚡️ Setting Boundaries in Healthy and Toxic Relationships

Module IV: Navigating Relationship Challenges

Now that you've learned the basics of self-advocacy, Module IV helps you navigate more complex relationship challenges. You'll learn how to stop taking responsibility for others' feelings and set emotional boundaries; how to navigate the complicated process of outgrowing relationships with integrity; how to compromise without abandoning yourself; and more.

⚡️ Emotional Boundaries: The Art of (Loving) Detachment
⚡️ Knowing When to Compromise
⚡️ Grief, Boundaries, and Getting Clear on What You Can’t Control
⚡️ Outgrowing Unhappy Relationships

Module V: Self-Soothing & Emotional Resiliency

It's completely normal to feel fear, guilt, shame, and self-doubt as you leave people-pleasing behind. Module V offers a toolbox of courage-building reframes, gentle self-compassion practices, and grounding nervous system regulation tools to help you stay strong, brave, and motivated as you step outside of your comfort zone. Courses include:

⚡️ An Introduction to Self-Soothing
⚡️ Reframes for Guilt, Fear, and Self-Doubt
⚡️ Practicing Self-Compassion
⚡️ Finding Ground with Nervous System Regulation

Bonus Module: Nuance Party!

In the Bonus Module, you'll dive into some of the finer nuances of self-advocacy. When is it appropriate to put others first—and when is it not? How can you practice self-compassion for your past while taking personal responsibility for your future? This module helps you practice discernment as you step into your power. Courses include:

⚡️ Making Difficult Decisions About Giving
⚡️ Navigating Transitions in Family, Love, Work, and Life
⚡️ Reframe: People-Pleasing is Actually Unkind


Monthly members-only events give you regular opportunities to learn new skills, jumpstart your motivation, and connect with your community.

The Self-Advocacy School’s live events help you stay connected, committed, and inspired as you master the art of self-advocacy. Events take place on a monthly basis and include interactive hands-on workshops, inspirational talks, thought-provoking group discussions, and enlightening Q&As.

Can’t attend live? No problem! Every event is recorded and made available 48 hours afterwards.

Be sure to become a member before our upcoming live events:

The Community gives you guidance, encouragement, and support from people who really get it.

Breaking the people-pleasing pattern is tough. Speaking up for your needs can feel terrifying; setting boundaries can kick your guilt into high gear. Sometimes, you need to ask: “Is this just me?” Sometimes, you need to celebrate your not-so-small victories with people who can relate.

The Self-Advocacy School Community is a private Facebook group of fellow aspiring self-advocates who are walking this road alongside you in real time. Get inspiration, celebration, and encouragement the moments you need it most. Monday⁠—Friday, Hailey logs in to answer the group’s most popular questions and offer additional guidance.

The Vault gives you the bonus resources you need to become a self-advocacy expert.

Throughout the 22 courses of the UNAPOLOGETIC Curriculum, you might come across something that really piques your interest; something that makes you want to learn more. The Vault caters to all learning styles by offering over 100+ curated bonus materials that include book recommendations infographics, podcast episodes, worksheets, and more. Whether you want to do a deep dive into identifying your emotions and needs, rediscovering play, or learning about Polyvagal Theory, the Vault has resources for you!

Ready to master the art of self-advocacy?


Ready to master the art of self-advocacy? ⚡️


Choose the membership plan that works best for you:

*It’s important to me that The Self-Advocacy School is accessible to those who need it. If the cost of enrollment is prohibitive to you, just submit this sliding scale application and we’ll find a rate that works for you.


  • The Self-Advocacy School is open to everyone who is ready to master the art of self-advocacy and start living empowered, assertive, and free. All ages, genders, and backgrounds are welcome!

  • When you become a monthly or annual member, you will be asked to create a log-in to the membership portal. Once your log-in is created, you’ll be able to access the portal using your computer, phone, or tablet.

  • After you pay, you will have immediate access to The Self-Advocacy School, hosted here on You’ll have immediate access to the School, upcoming Live Events, the Community, and the Vault.

  • Yes! Your payments will automatically renew each month for monthly members, each year for annual members.

  • You can cancel your membership inside the member portal. When you cancel your membership, your access to The Self-Advocacy School will end at the conclusion of that billing period, and will not be charged for the next billing cycle.

  • Refunds aren’t available, but you can cancel your membership at any time

  • The Self-Advocacy School Community is hosted on Facebook, so a Facebook account is required for access. You can create a Facebook account to come and join us, or you can opt out of this aspect of the membership—up to you! Reduced rates will not be offered to those who forego the Community component.

  • Every event is recorded, so if you can't make it live, don't worry ⁠— the recording will be uploaded for all members to view within 48 hours.