Here’s how to stop people-pleasing in your romantic relationships.
Relationships, Codependency Hailey Magee Relationships, Codependency Hailey Magee

Here’s how to stop people-pleasing in your romantic relationships.

Have you been involved in numerous one-sided relationships that are all give and no take? Do you have difficulty knowing and naming your own feelings and needs⁠—especially when they’re different from your partner’s? Do you experience immense difficulty saying no, setting boundaries, and setting limits with your partner? Do you find yourself repeatedly losing your sense of identity in your romantic relationships? Here’s how to break the pattern.

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How I stopped trying to control my partner and took responsibility for my own happiness.
Relationships, Control, Codependency Hailey Magee Relationships, Control, Codependency Hailey Magee

How I stopped trying to control my partner and took responsibility for my own happiness.

Have you been attempting to control your partner without realizing it? You might be surprised to learn how often your own attempts to "help," "fix," or "heal" others are manipulation in disguise. Here are six concrete strategies you can use to notice ⁠— and break ⁠— these controlling patterns.

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Get my book, STOP People Pleasing and Find Your Power

A step-by-step guide to speaking up, setting empowered boundaries, and becoming your own best advocate.